Addressing Phosphorus in Wisconsin and Beyond

Phosphorus plays a critical role in the productivity of the farming industry, but over-reliance on this fertilizing nutrient has alarming consequences, such as toxic algal blooms and dead zones caused by phosphorus pollution in our waterways.

In February, the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin supported two events to engage partners in discussions around phosphorus and to help set a phosphorus research and policy agenda for the next decade.

On Feb. 7, 2023, the UW-Milwaukee Center for Water Policy, with support from the Freshwater Collaborative, the Palmer Foundation and the UW System Water Policy Network, co-hosted a statewide conference on Wisconsin’s phosphorus standards. The conference brought together more than 200 academic researchers, agricultural/conservation professionals/agencies, farmers/producers, policymakers and the public to discuss this important issue in our state.

Students from across UW System had the opportunity to present research at the phosphorus conference.

Katy Schultz, a dairy farmer and President of the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin (PDPW), served as a moderator for one of the conference panels. She spoke about the promising opportunity for cross-sector collaboration and solution building.

“It cannot be ‘us versus them.’ We need the dairy farmers coming together with the crop farmers with the researchers with the policymakers,” she said. “We need to figure out how to create a solution that works for everyone, because if it doesn’t work for everyone, we all lose together.”

Chris Murphy, who served as a conservation specialist with the Rock County Land Conservation Department, was one panelist who provided a case study example of a local phosphorus management program. He said he believes that Wisconsin’s market-like, voluntary compliance options, Water Quality Trading and Adaptive Management, are huge solutions to the phosphorus pollution issue.

“These programs are not only doable, but are the best tools that I’ve had to work with in my 25 plus years,” he said.

New York Times best-selling author Dan Egan presented the keynote address in conversation with Center for Water Policy Director Melissa Scanlan about his book, The Devil’s Element: Phosphorus and a World Out of Balance. Egan discussed the “phosphorus paradox,” that describes the dual nature of phosphorus as a scarce resource necessary for growing food but also a nutrient used in excess that pollutes our surface waters.

“This is not some abstract environmental issue,” he said. “It’s coming down to preserving ourselves.” And yet, his takeaway message was “don’t despair.” According to Egan, the first step in solving the phosphorus paradox is raising public awareness, which is the step he is taking with his newest book.

Access the Conference Session Recordings

In a continuing effort to help raise public awareness, on Feb. 28, 2023, Anya Janssen, water policy specialist at the Center for Water Policy and Sea Grant University of Wisconsin water science-policy fellow, presented key takeaways from the statewide conference during the online Great Lakes Freshwater Symposium: The Impact of Phosphorus Rules on Local Water.

More than 125 water researchers and students from Canadian and American universities, government agencies, nonprofits and concerned citizens registered for the symposium. Symposium attendees had the opportunity to participate in meaningful small group discussions around crafting a research and policy agenda for managing phosphorus in the next decade. This event was sponsored by the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin and the Great Lakes Higher Education Consortium, which is powered by the Council of the Great Lakes Region.

Watch the Symposium presentation



The Great Lakes Freshwater Symposium: The Impact of Phosphorus Rules on Local Water Recording

The Great Lakes Freshwater Symposium: The Impact of Phosphorus Rules on Local Water on February 28, 2023, brought together stakeholders from Canada and the United States who are interested in water-related issues.

Anya Janssen, water policy specialist at the UW-Milwaukee Center for Water Policy and a Sea Grant University of Wisconsin water science-policy fellow, presented key takeaways from the statewide conference Phosphorus: Lessons from 10+ Years of Numeric Standards for Wisconsin’s Waters.

This was the first event in a series of quarterly water symposiums sponsored by the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin, Great Lakes Higher Education Consortium and Council of the Great Lakes Region. These symposiums seek to encourage and advance collaborations, share science across borders, encourage students in research and career opportunities and present research that is solving real-world problems.

Join Us at Upcoming Water Conferences

Freshwater Collaborative staff and steering committee members will be at a number of water-focused events this spring. If you’d like to connect, send us at email at

Great Lakes Freshwater Symposium: The Impact of Phosphorus Rules on Local Water

Join water research colleagues from Canadian and American universities by participating in a free, virtual, lunchtime Great Lakes Freshwater Symposium: The Impact of Phosphorus Rules on Local Water.

The webinar will occur on Tuesday, February 28, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (CST) and is open to faculty, staff and students.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Anya Janssen, water policy specialist at the Center for Water Policy and Sea Grant University of Wisconsin water science-policy fellow, will present key takeaways from the recent statewide conference Phosphorus: Lessons from 10+ Years of Numeric Standards for Wisconsin’s Waters.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss how lessons learned in Wisconsin can be applied to other states/provinces on the Great Lakes. They will participate in breakout rooms to talk about how they can get involved in setting a phosphorus research and policy agenda for the next decade.

This is the first event in a series of quarterly water symposiums sponsored by the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin, Great Lakes Higher Education Consortium and Council of the Great Lakes Region. These symposiums seek to encourage and advance collaborations, share science across borders, encourage students in research and career opportunities and present research that is solving real-world problems.

Downloadable flyer

Request for Proposals #3, Deadline April 3, 2023

Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin
State Legislative Funding Request for Proposals #3
Funding New or Ongoing/Renewal of Projects: Student Learning Opportunities, Academic Program Development, Collaborative Research and Career Pathways 

RFP Release: February 1, 2023
Proposal Submission Deadline: April 3, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. 


The Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin partners with Wisconsin’s 13 public universities to advance freshwater research and education, build partnerships with communities and industry, and contribute to a thriving water agenda in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin State Legislature has awarded the Freshwater Collaborative $5 million in its biennial budget to support freshwater initiatives at UW System campuses that align with the Freshwater Collaborative’s goals and legislative priorities. The Freshwater Collaborative has a total of $4,250,000 available in 113 funds to support this round of proposals, contingent on available legislative funds. 

The purpose of the 2023-2025 State Legislative Funding Request for Proposals #3 is to support cross-campus projects that engage undergraduate students in courses, research, hands-on experiences, and internships. Proposals can either be for continued funding to enhance existing Freshwater Collaborative projects or fund new projects that will expand cross-campus collaborations.

Download and Review the Full State Legislative Funding Request for Proposals #3 Before Submitting Your Proposal

Download RFP#3

All applications must be submitted online using the form below. To preview the questions you will be asked, click here:

For questions, email

All materials for RFP #3 must be submitted by April 3, 2023, through the online application form using the submission button at the bottom of this page.

Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin steering committee representatives must sign off on all proposals prior to submission to ensure that the Freshwater Collaborative representative at each university is aware of all proposal submissions. Proposals must be submitted following your institution’s policy for proposal submissions. In the case of the comprehensives, this means working with your institution’s Office of Sponsored Programs.  

For proposals that involve multiple universities, one university with the lead PI must submit ONE joint proposal on behalf of all the universities involved, with secondary PIs listed for each other university involved. The lead PI will be the primary contact for the Freshwater Collaborative for questions and reporting/evaluation. The secondary PIs will be the contacts for UW System for allocating funds. Each of the collaborating institution’s contributions/involvement must be clearly described in the Project Narrative.  

The office of Socially Responsible Evaluation and Education (SREED) has developed several indicators per award type (See Appendix). Campuses are expected to review SREED indicators and be prepared to complete data reports based on these indicators via a Qualtrics survey. Project leads will receive communications about the deadline for submitting their data report. 

 The proposal must include the following items for each proposed project:

  • Project Narrative: Describes how the proposal supports your University’s long-term vision of engagement in the Freshwater Collaborative and statewide collaborations in water and how this proposal connects to other currently funded and/or proposed Freshwater Collaborative-funded projects at your institution or across the state. You will be asked to provide project goals, timeline and impact information. Timeline can be up to five years.
  • Budget: Identify the anticipated expenses and provide a timeline for using funds. List any grants, matching funds from the campus, three planned external award requests, or other financial sources. Faculty course-buyouts and summer salary are allowable costs. Indirect costs are not allowable. Allowable personnel are limited-term employees, adjunct instructors, graduate assistants, and hourly students. A budget for each institution must be submitted within the joint proposal (e.g., if three universities are participating in the program or course, the single joint proposal must include three separate budgets).
  • Endorsement Page: Obtain the signatures of the applicant and collaborators, applicant’s supervisor or department chair, the Steering Committee Member, and the Provost and/or Academic Affairs representative. This will be used to determine campus support and buy-in for the proposed project. To ensure accurate financial and academic methods proposed are feasible, we ask that your financial and academic representative who would support/oversee the administrative management of this project review and sign your proposal.
    • Endorsement Page for UW-Madison: Applicant must use the WISPER electronic routing application to secure department and dean/director/division-level authorizations. Division-authorized WISPER records should be routed to WISPER user RUSSELL SCHWALBE in department 34-0200. Please set the “submission method” field in the WISPER record to “internal routing only.” The record does not need to be routed through the Research and Sponsored Programs office
  • Other supporting documents such as letters of support, brochures, or program information.

The proposals will be reviewed by a committee of internal and external reviewers with academic and/or legislative experience who will make funding recommendations to the executive director. The review committee may request additional information, clarification, and/or edits before making a determination on proposal portfolios. The executive director will make final decisions on the awards, and notifications are expected to be sent via email on June 30, 2023.

Once the award is determined, the steering committee member will be notified and given an award letter. The award letter will include details on fund disbursement, evaluation, and reporting.

Download and complete the following documents prior to beginning your online application:

Please direct all questions to