Student Spotlight: Monitoring Water Quality in Door County

Sara Pabich, a May 2022 UW-Madison graduate, spent summer 2022 interning with UW Oshkosh’s community embedded lab in Door County. She and six other students, from UW-Eau Claire, UW-Stout, UW-Oshkosh and Michigan Tech, were based in Baileys Harbor and worked on Wisconsin’s Beach Monitoring Program, monitoring the beaches for E. coli, a bacterium that indicates the presence of pathogens that can cause illness.

She also worked on the Marine Debris Mitigation Project, which involved using a boat and drones to collect trash from Sturgeon Bay and along the Fox River. The Door County Pulse featured Pabich in an article about the project. Read it at

Here’s what they had to say about their internship experiences.

Why did you want to work in Door County?

Pabich: As a local, I love the summers in Door County. I enjoy swimming along Lake Michigan, hiking, attending Northern Sky theater performances, and eating ice cream/custard throughout the county. Even in college, I would return to this beautiful place as often as possible.

What projects did you work on?

Pabich: The critical task of this internship was taking water samples at all the local beaches to ensure it is safe to swim. Therefore, I had several different beach routes. Additionally, this year UW-Oshkosh got a marine debris sea boat, which traveled to Manitowoc, Kewanee, Algoma, Green Bay and Sturgeon Bay Canal. My co-worker Nicole and I ran the Sturgeon Bay Canal route. Since this was the first year, our team explored different areas along the paths to see where marine debris could be collected.

Sara Pabich used UW Oshkosh’s new marine debris sea boat to collect macroplastics from the Sturgeon Bay Canal.

I also did extensive water quality testing around Pilot Island. Unfortunately, birds have destroyed most of the vegetation on the island, and locals from Washington Island want to understand how the birds could also affect the water quality around the island. I helped take and analyze 42 samples around the island to understand the birds’ impact better.

What skills did you gain?

Pabich: I learned more about the process behind the scenes for the beach sampling. Often individuals ask me what the water quality is like, while I am taking a sample, without knowing that the analysis part happens at the lab. At the lab, we did a lot of measuring, used pipettors, kept detailed records of sampling, and did general quality control measures like ensuring our refrigerators and incubators were within the correct temperature ranges.

Regarding tactical skills, I got my boater’s safety license last spring and learned more boating skills. While backing up the trailer to launch the boat still proves to be a bit of a challenge, I have enjoyed being out on the water and learning more about the navigational markers.

Additionally, I think we learned about trial and error through this project. When we started this project, we did not know what general upkeep the new boat would require and where we could expect to find marine debris. For example, I remember one of our gas tanks running out while cruising along the shoreline, so we had to learn how to switch gas tanks on the water. Overall, this experience helped us build better problem solving skills.

What was your favorite part of this research experience?

Pabich: One of my favorite parts of this research experience was getting the chance to connect with different individuals throughout the county. I was interviewed by the Washington Island Observer and the Door County Pulse, which gave me the chance to interact with reporters. Additionally, through water quality testing on Washington Island and Pilot Island, I got to meet and know some locals on the island.

What career do you hope to go into after graduation? How will the skills you learned in this project help you attain your career goal?

Pabich: Overall, the projects I have worked on highlight the importance of the interaction between human health and the surrounding environment. For example, elevated levels of bacteria in the environment may mean closing a beach to avoid human health impacts. On the other hand, working on the marine debris sea boat, I have seen how humans can negatively impact the environment. My tactical skills and ability to see and learn how different systems interact will help me succeed in my graduate school program. [Pabich began graduate school at UW-Madison for Public Affairs and Public Health in fall 2022.]

Student Spotlight: Dane Friis, UW-Stevens Point 

Dane Friis is an undergraduate from Verona, Wis., who is majoring in Land Use Management and Planning at UW-Stevens Point. When he graduates in spring 2023, Friis hopes to go into GIS analysis or work for a land trust.

In September 2022, he was one of 21 students who participated in a pilot regional field trip, “Exploring the Ag-Water Nexus in Wisconsin.” The three-day field experience provided students with an overview of how water and agriculture intersect in different regions of the state.

Here’s what Friis said about his experience.

UW-Stevens Point Dane Friis (second from left) enjoyed learning about how Wisconsin’s soil and water affect farming practices.

Why did you choose to participate in this field trip course?

I chose to take part in this field trip as land use planning is very connected to groundwater quality/quality and soil conservation. I also chose to participate because agriculture is very connected to land use planning.

Was there anything that surprised you or was particularly interesting?

It was interesting to hear about different types of crops and how the farmers dealt with issues the crops may have while growing. I was surprised to see that a lot of the management practices that are preached (conservation easements, CRPs, etc.) were not as widely implemented as I personally would have like to have seen. The cattle rancher in southwest Wisconsin, on the other hand, had a textbook conservation easement along the stream banks of his ranch. He took great pride in conserving natural resources on his farm and how well his management practices are at conserving stream banks on the ranch. He was also very proud of the native brook trout habitat he has on his ranch.

What were the benefits to seeing various regions of Wisconsin? 

It was advantageous to see multiple parts of Wisconsin because of how diverse the state’s landscape is. Seeing the different soil and water issues across the state gave me and other future natural resource managers a better feel for how certain issues carry over and differ from region to region.

Were there benefits to meeting and interacting with faculty and students from other UW schools?

I believe that there was a benefit to attending the trip with students from other UW schools. Every school offers something different, in terms of natural resources. It was particularly interesting talking to agronomy majors from UW-Platteville. Their insight was interesting as it helps me understand what farmers need to grow viable crops while implementing management practices.

How will taking this course help you attain your career goals?

The information I learned will help me understand how to effectively manage a sustainable farm. The social aspect of sustainability covered during the trip especially will help me in the future.


The “Exploring the Ag-Water Nexus in Wisconsin” field experience was developed by the Wisconsin Agriculture-Water Nexus Network, using funding from the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin. The pilot was offered through UW-Green Bay, UW-Madison, UW-Platteville and UW-Stevens Point. Faculty are now developing multiple one-credit hybrid courses that each focus on a different area of the state, which will be offered in spring 2023 at UW-Green Bay, UW-Madison, UW-Platteville, UW-River Falls, UW-Stevens Point, UW-Stout. View course descriptions.

Read more about the Wisconsin Agriculture-Water Nexus Network


Steering Committee Meeting, Jan. 25, 2023

The Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin Steering Committee will meet virtually Jan. 25, 2023.


12pm Check-in

  • Talking Points for upcoming legislative meetings – Update
  • FCW generalized currently under review
  • Campus specific/individualized draft written, to be edited in collab with campus marketing
  • Testimonials from external partners needed
  • RFP#3 update
  • FCW Internal:
    • Defining Watersheds – GIS Specialist PD student hourly
    • Scholarships administration – SC next steps after Certificates
    • Pool of funds that students apply to get to pay for housing/tuition for summer (or any qualifying student experience)
  • Certificates check in/reminder
  • Conferences:
    • Phosphorus Conference mention
    • GLHEC Symposium updates
    • NCUR special session & Open House
  • 1:30pm Close

Join Zoom meeting:
Password: FCW

Student Spotlight: Madeline Marchiafava, UW-Eau Claire

Minnesota native Madeline Marchiafava graduated from UW-Eau Claire in December 2022 with a dual major in geology and an emphasis in water chemistry and biology.

Through the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin, she had the opportunity to complete an internship at the Environmental Research and Innovation Center (ERIC) at UW Oshkosh. From May to September 2022, 22 students from UW-Eau Claire, UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee, UW Oshkosh, UW-Stevens Point, UW-Stout and UW-Whitewater worked in the ERIC and its community embedded labs, analyzing 2,200 water samples for business and community partners.

Here’s what Marchiafava said about her experience.

What projects did you work on and what skills did you gain from that work?

I wanted to work in the ERIC because I wanted to gain experience in a professional setting focused on the environment, and to broaden my knowledge in the water sciences.

Some projects I worked on while at the ERIC were a study on microcystin, analyzing water samples for arsenic using the GFAA [Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption spectroscopy, which is a sensitive analytical method for measuring trace elements], and collecting gas readings of waste from clients who are interested in seeing how productive their samples are.

Were there benefits to working in a lab at a different university?

Madeline Marchiafava learned real-world skills in water sample analysis.

The benefits of working in a lab at a different university were seeing a different part of Wisconsin that I haven’t previously been to, and I met and worked with new people. Along with spending time on the boat collecting water samples and visiting lots of different water bodies in the area, my favorite part of this research experience was joining my coworkers’ volleyball league every Thursday night — I had a great time learning a new sport.

What kind of career do you hope to go into after graduation?

After graduation, I hope to be involved in field work or wildlife surveying with either the Wisconsin or Minnesota Department of Natural Resources or with the U.S. Geological Survey.

Student Spotlight: Micah Robinson, UW-Madison 

Micah Robinson is an undergraduate from Madison, Wis., who is majoring in Biological Systems Engineering, Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering track, at UW-Madison. When he graduates in spring 2023, Robinson hopes to work in the public sector as an environmental engineer.

In September 2022, he was one of 21 students who participated in a pilot regional field trip, “Exploring the Ag-Water Nexus in Wisconsin.” The three-day field experience provided students with an overview of how water and agriculture intersect in different regions of the state.

Here’s what Robinson said about his experience.

Why did you choose to participate in this field trip course?

I really enjoyed taking two of Dr. Anita Thompson’s classes (Small Watershed Engineering, Water Management Systems), and I was eager to supplement my theoretical/academic knowledge with real-world experiences. I also thought this trip would be a good opportunity to network and explore career opportunities.

What did you learn? Was there anything that surprised you or was particularly interesting?

I learned about how regional geologic features and agricultural practices create unique water quality issues across Wisconsin. One thing that surprised me was learning about Karst landscapes, which we saw near Green Bay. These landscapes can produce sinkholes and fissures that quickly drain surface water, potentially contaminating underground aquifers. I had no idea this was an issue in Wisconsin, and it was really interesting getting to see examples of Karst formations.

What were the benefits to seeing various regions of Wisconsin?

Wisconsin has very different water quality issues depending on the specific region. Getting to see various regions gave me a broader understanding of water quality issues in the state and better prepared me to solve unique water quality issues. 

Was there a benefit to meeting and interacting with faculty and students from other UW schools?

Yes, I really enjoyed meeting the faculty and students from other campuses. It was beneficial having a diverse group of people who each brought their own unique knowledge and experiences with them. I particularly enjoyed learning about the research that faculty at other campuses were working on. I probably would not have been exposed to their research if not for this trip.

What was your favorite part of the field trip?

My favorite part of the trip was visiting Cates Family Farm, where they had successfully completed a restoration of their trout stream. It was inspiring to see their dedication to sustainable food production and their passion for restoring their land.

How will taking this course help you attain your career goals?

Meeting all the faculty from various campuses, as well as the professionals who spoke at our stops, provided insight into potential careers. Learning about interesting research in the fields of water quality and sustainable agriculture sparked my interest in graduate school, which I am now considering as an option for next fall.

The “Exploring the Ag-Water Nexus in Wisconsin” field experience was developed by the Wisconsin Agriculture-Water Nexus Network, using funding from the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin. The pilot was offered through UW-Green Bay, UW-Madison, UW-Platteville and UW-Stevens Point. Faculty are now developing multiple one-credit hybrid courses that each focus on a different area of the state, which will be offered in spring 2023 at UW-Green Bay, UW-Madison, UW-Platteville, UW-River Falls, UW-Stevens Point, UW-Stout. View course descriptions.

Read more about the Wisconsin Agriculture-Water Nexus Network